Hello. Welcome.

I'm a very determined kind of individual. Sometimes my determination is misplaced and things get very ugly. But, sometimes my determination leads to laughter, deep thoughts, and words on paper.

I write everything. I'm not very good at filtering ... so you will see it all. Maybe there will be a little inspiration for someone else along the way. I hope so. My sister also likes to guest blog and I'm sure you will appreciate her wit and wisdom.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

why bus drivers are safe

I was talking to a friend the other day and we somehow got around to city transportation. It was probably because I have a sweet spot in my heart for mass transit. I didn't realize it until I moved to Chicago last year, but the conversations and relationships I made on those buses and subways are stories to share!

So, we were on the subject of transportation and I was lamenting Austin's poor system. I'm convinced they just don't want to think like a big city, though the people keep piling up. My friend said she observed that most bus drivers are creepily friendly.

I thought for a moment and then said, "That's funny. I always find myself making friends with bus drivers. Maybe it's because they are hardly intimidating - strapped to their seat and all."

Seriously, the bus driver is most knowledgeable about the city and they can't move! It's like the least intimidating and threatening kind of city-dweller there could be. Anyway, I thought that was funny.

Song to listen to: Bus Driver by Caedmon's Call

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