Hello. Welcome.

I'm a very determined kind of individual. Sometimes my determination is misplaced and things get very ugly. But, sometimes my determination leads to laughter, deep thoughts, and words on paper.

I write everything. I'm not very good at filtering ... so you will see it all. Maybe there will be a little inspiration for someone else along the way. I hope so. My sister also likes to guest blog and I'm sure you will appreciate her wit and wisdom.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

shameless plug

I don't have a lot of energy, but I'll give a few recommendations:

Zach Vinson is going to get married to one of my friends... which makes him pretty awesome already. Add that he's is taking the midwest by (a very little) storm, as he wrote in a recent update, with his vocal and instrumental talent and he's reached a whole new level. I don't mind shameless plugging, so give this little video and look and see what you think. Clever is what I say.

So Much to Blame (Zach Vinson) from Zach Vinson on Vimeo.

Chelsey Scott
I don't know much about this girl, just that we have some similar tastes in music (as I unashamedly have "stalked" her on myspace:). She has succeeded in bringing a little spark of inspiration back into my life and I would love to spread it around. You can click on this link to go to her myspace OR you can download her songs for FREE on noisetrade if you just send an email to 5 friends. I promise it's harmless and you won't regret it!

Enjoy ... and throw a smile at the stars for good measure. Sometimes smiling without any apparent cause will remind you that you indeed have one.

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