Hello. Welcome.

I'm a very determined kind of individual. Sometimes my determination is misplaced and things get very ugly. But, sometimes my determination leads to laughter, deep thoughts, and words on paper.

I write everything. I'm not very good at filtering ... so you will see it all. Maybe there will be a little inspiration for someone else along the way. I hope so. My sister also likes to guest blog and I'm sure you will appreciate her wit and wisdom.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

the home tour

Where do I even begin? God is so good! Truly, more than these words can explain... I am blown away by His glory revealed through His blessings!

So, I called this last week my home tour - which was basically a whirwind or people, stories, memories, and wonderful reunions. I had so many people I wanted to meet with and talk to... Thank the Lord he gave me the energy and to meet late into the night and early in the morning - every day was jam-packed and I only started to feel it (the getting less than 3-4 hours of sleep) the last day.

More than anything, I felt that sharing what the Lord did in Poland was HIS story. I merely got to experience it in a different way than the prayer warriors that most certainly went faithfully to the Lord. I wanted to share how God used all of us to fulfill His kingdom purpose! I hope the taste of this overflowing joy remains on my tongue long after the warm feelings wear off.

My family was already busy with school getting started, but I was able to spend some time with them... and when they went to bed I would meet up with some kindred spirits from high school and talked into the morning:) God also blessed me with some surprises - I never expected to recapture and begin beautiful relationships, but the Lord is gracious!

Even as I write this, it seems so vague...because the Lord is so specific in how He works and blesses, but I'm so overwhelmed that I can only speak in vague terms! Words can be so frustrating at times!

Right now I am at my friend's house in Chicago, getting ready to begin my program tomorrow. I am getting excited about all the possibilities for this semester. It almost feels like I'm a freshman again, because everything is so new. One thing that I've been learning (for years, it seems) is that my plans are so small. The things I can think in my human mind are nothing compared to the Lord's plans - He is so much bigger. So, making plans and mapping my future have become much less important, and making my heart willing has become my focus. To many, this comes as a shock, because I've had my life planned out since I was in 8th grade. Yet, there is so much freedom in trusting the Lord to guide.

I'll have to sit down and write more this week, as we get into orientation, but for now I'm so scattered I think I'll not make sense!

grace and peace.

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