Hello. Welcome.

I'm a very determined kind of individual. Sometimes my determination is misplaced and things get very ugly. But, sometimes my determination leads to laughter, deep thoughts, and words on paper.

I write everything. I'm not very good at filtering ... so you will see it all. Maybe there will be a little inspiration for someone else along the way. I hope so. My sister also likes to guest blog and I'm sure you will appreciate her wit and wisdom.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Weekly Line-up

Alright, folks. I know it's late on a Sunday night, but I just had the most fabulous conversation with my neighbor. She is one of the most lovely people I know.

This week's line up has everything to do with lovely (well, at least that's what I hope you think). We will be covering everything from office fright to facebook envy. This week we are going to give the article topics without specific days - both to keep you guessing and to give a little flexibility. We do have day jobs, you know! We are really excited about what's coming up and we hope you are too!

Office Fright
Read about Caroline's long un-diagnosed condition: fright. If you've been the brunt of a good fright or the one behind it, you'll enjoy this anecdote about a recent incident in the office.

Going Green: Good Steward Dilemma

Last week, Christina wrote about her pledge to organic foods, but as Christians how do we reconcile news reels with Scripture? Read about her own search for answers.

Caring about Conversations
Have you ever been in the middle of a conversation, but somewhere else in your mind? Caroline talks about the importance of being fully present and how it might change relationships for the better.

Summer "Vacations:" Creative and Thrifty Substitutes

If you've ever planned a vacation, you know it's pricey (anyone else paying $4.05 at the pump?). But, whoever said a vacation had to be extravagant? Read about Caroline's ideas - for singles and families - for creative and thrifty vacationing.

Facebook Envy: When an Innocent Peruse Turns Sour

If you've ever used the social networking genius of facebook, you know that it can be addictive. This addiction sometimes means finding out who's engaged, who's pregnant, and who's traveling in Spain while you sit at your computer. Read Christina's thoughts on facebook envy and what to do about it.

DIY Bridal: Making Your Gifts Special without the Registries

Wedding gifts are no longer about thoughtfulness, but rather about who held the gun at the registry stores. If you're looking for ways to make your gift special, read Christina's ideas about thoughtful, useful gifts that will still be a surprise when they're opened.

Well, that rounds out the lineup this week. We hope you are enjoying the posts - please pass this on to friends and family who might be interested in these separated sisters. Also, feel free to leave comments and thoughts - we would love your feedback!

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