Hello. Welcome.

I'm a very determined kind of individual. Sometimes my determination is misplaced and things get very ugly. But, sometimes my determination leads to laughter, deep thoughts, and words on paper.

I write everything. I'm not very good at filtering ... so you will see it all. Maybe there will be a little inspiration for someone else along the way. I hope so. My sister also likes to guest blog and I'm sure you will appreciate her wit and wisdom.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Adventures of the Life I Wish I Led, part IV

If you've been following along (or if you haven't), every once in awhile I write a tidbit about "the life I wish I led." You can read previous short stories starting here. Today's little piece is inspired by a student, who challenged me to find a reason in the eastern sky to write something. So, here is what came out.

Fresh roasted coffee beans wafted outside the small, corner cafe. My steps hit the litter-speckled pavement underneath a blue, cloudless sky. Oaxaca, Mexico.

It had been awhile since I made any sort of trip without Jeremy and the dust on my shoes made me miss my traveling companion and most kindred spirit. Before I met Jeremy at the New Tribes Missions training center in Wisconsin, I had pictured my husband-to-be much differently. People said he would be athletic (a wrestler, maybe) and accomplished (several doctoral degrees, perhaps?).

I couldn't suppress the girlish giggle that found its way through the familiar feelings and escaped through my parched lips. Jeremy was a lot of things - accomplished in his own right (but without the degrees) and athletic only when necessary for adventuring (never really for sport) - but he certainly looked nothing like what people (or I) expected. I suppose that's why I fell so quickly and decidedly. Now, waiting for my childhood friend at the Cafe Sueno in Oaxaca, I half-hoped he would have made the trip with me.

I pushed the thought down with a few thick, flavorful sips of fresh coffee. This little eatery was quietly crammed between a panaderia and a friendly fabric store. It would only be a few cups of this good strong coffee before Elizabeth met me ... I smiled as I realized I no longer measured time by minutes. Two years had taught me time (and certainly punctuality) was a very fluid thing in Central American culture. I can't say I minded measuring things in cups of coffee or rainstorms or daylight or loaves of bread.

Sure enough, I was enjoying my third cup of coffee with a delicous postre when Elizabeth walked in. It had to be at least three years since we had connected in our token small-town, Midwestern Amish restaurant. In the moments before she saw me, I knew we would start as though no time had passed at all.

1 comment:

Margee said...

I love all these short stories, but I must say this is my favorite so far. Meeting old friends in cafes and Oaxaca, Mexico all sound so nice :) I hope you have a safe trip home and hopefully I'll get to see you!